Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Merger and Acquisition by Cabcharge Limited

Faruque Ahmed
P O Box – 349
Alexandria – 2015
Mobile: 041 091 4118
Email: union_faruque@yahoo.com.au
Members of Parliament and Media Outlets

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mr. Graeme Samuel
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
GPO Box 3131
Ph: 02 6243 1244Fax: 02 6243 1210

Re: Merger and Acquisition by Cabcharge Limited

Dear Mr. Samuel

I the undersigned, Faruque Ahmed, have been advocating bailee taxi drivers' rights and interests in the state and federal instrumentalities, Parliaments, media, before the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and formerly the Trade Practices Commission as:
1. Secretary/Treasurer and President of Taxi Drivers' Section of the NSW Transport Workers Union, respectively,
2.Vice-President and President of Taxi Industry Services Association, respectively,
3. President, NSW Cabbie Welfare Association and
4. Media Manager, NSW Taxi Drivers Association. I am also a working bailee taxi driver.

Taxi co-operatives (not taxi companies or networks) obtained the authorisation A30112 by not telling the truth, twisting the truth and using racism as well as some other false claims they made to misguide the then Trade Practices Commission. Ultimately, the original applicants, specifically the Red and Yellow Deluxe have used many false claims "for their own narrow benefit" and got away with them. Fortunately most of their typical false claims and lies were detected and eventually correctly rejected by the TPC in matterA30152.

Since then, we have been asking the ACCC and other relevant departments to remove the Authorization A30112. Surprisingly, they were very reluctant about it. Eventually, the Australian Competition Tribunal removed the Authorisation (Matter No - 3 of 2005) as we have been requesting.

Yet, even today;

1. I am currently compelled to work for Cabcharge Limited for 30 minutes per shift free of charge,
2. I am compelled to bear the burden of any dockets voided by Cabcharge for reasons beyond my control or ability, thus eroding my industrial rights,
3. I am compelled to bear the burden of traffic fines that incurred whilst processing Cabcharge Limited dockets and credit cards,
4. I am compelled to provide my private details to a company with whom I have no contractual relations, and
5. Because of my free labor and miseries mentioned in "1" to "4" above the Cabcharge Limited is making huge amount of money and buying up various taxi industry instrumentalities and thereby reducing and eventually destroying competition in the taxi industry and
6. The State and Federal Government provided unfair advantage to Cabcharge Limited are effectively restricting any new comers to open up any new ventures in the taxi industry,

I therefore would like to request you to register me as an interested party and inform me should the Cabcharge Limited intends to acquire or merger with any taxi industry body or instrumentalities as these activities would affect me, the taxi industry and society in general adversely.

Sincerely Yours

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